Lancaster is situated in Antelope Valley. It is part of Northern Los Angeles County. The city is known for its high desert landscape. It is a venue for various shows, performances, and events. It hosts the annual Antelope Valley Fair and other community events for recreational activities. As per the census of 2022, the population of Lancaster is around 1.69 lakhs with a higher crime rate.
As there is a high crime rate in the city there is a high need for security guards. Therefore, here is Securitygroup CA to provide you with the best security guards in Lancaster, CA.
Types of crime in Lancaster CA
Following are the types of crime in Lancaster, CA:
- Burglary and Theft: Burglary and theft are common crimes in the city. Theft also includes housebreaking or entering into the business property to steal something. Shoplifting is also included in theft.
- Vandalism: Vandalism is causing damage to someone else property or destroying any part of it. This also includes graffiti, breaking windows, or damaging structures.
- Assault: Assault is physically attacking another person with the intention of causing harm.
- Homicide: Unlawful killing of a person by another person.
- Motor vehicle theft: Stealing a vehicle or its part with the intention to use it or sell someone else’s property without their consent.
Types of Security Guard
Following are the types of security guards that would help prevent crimes in Lancaster:
- Unarmed Security Guards: These guards provide a visible presence to deter crime, perform routine patrols, and monitor surveillance systems. These guards provide visible security due to their presence on the property.
- Armed Security Guards: These guards carry firearms and are trained to use them whenever required. These guards are generally employed in the high-risk environment.
- Mobile Patrol Security Guards: These guards patrol in a specific area in a vehicle. These guards cover large areas while patrolling and can be employed to check multiple locations.
- Patrol Security Guards: These guards walk through designated areas and provide a visible security presence. These guards respond quickly to unfortunate incidents. These guards regularly check premises to identify and address security concerns.
The security guards play a vital role in protecting the property as well as the person from an unfortunate incident. The presence of the guards would help in protecting and avoiding unwanted incidents. Therefore, to hire the best security guard services in Lancaster, CA visit or contact 1866-283-5454.