How do security guards deal in West Hollywood with violent situations?
“At any given moment, you have the power to say this is not how the story is going to end.” – Christine Mason Miller.
Security guards working for A Security Group INC. swear by this. No matter how aggressive or challenging the situations may become, they know how to deal with them.
Working as a security guard in West Hollywood is not an easy task. Each day they might be subject to violent crimes and unwanted behavior of people around them. Yet, the security guards must maintain their composure and act accordingly.
The most significant role the security guard plays in these situations is the ability to “listen and negotiate” properly. While handling such violent cases, security guards listen to both sides of the story. They do not make any kind of rational decision at that moment. They act based on what they see 1st, but after that, they have to listen and negotiate. For example, suppose the situation involves to party involved in hand-to-hand combat. The security personnel’s 1st job is to stop the combat and pine one down and then listen to what is going on based on the people nearby who have witnessed the situation.
After listening and knowing everything that has gone wrong, the security personnel must act smart and negotiate between the two parties. If the situation goes out of hand, the security personnel has the right to hand both parties to Patrolling officers.
Security guards in West Hollywood also communicate well during violent situations. They communicate so that the people involved and the people nearby do not feel threatened or tend to do something inappropriate. They tell the people involved and the bystanders that the situation is under control and work on the solution as soon as possible.
One might start to de-escalate the issue by constantly observing and talking effectively. This final phase is to choose methods to resolve the conflict, so the victim doesn’t feel intimidated by the actions taken. Rather than requiring the individuals to do anything, it is preferable to give viable alternatives/remedies that might reduce danger to the individual and bystanders. By integrating the individuals in the solution-finding process, they feel more appreciated and far less frightened and are thus more likely to open up to the proposals of the security guard.
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