Private security guards in West Hollywood share Tips to prevent campus violence

On-campus, you will often encounter a lot of people all around. However, vandalism or any unwanted circumstance isn’t unnatural on a campus. Security guards from A Security Group INC. say-, it is essential to keep the campus under strict supervision, so there isn’t any problem for anyone entitled to be a part of the institution. So, here are a few tips to prevent violence in and around the campus. Keeping Tight Security  On-campus, with many… Continue reading Private security guards in West Hollywood share Tips to prevent campus violence

Secure your shopping center with the help of private guards in West Hollywood

West Hollywood is not a safe place to live. Apart from some enclaves, most of the West Hollywood is a dangerous place to stay. With a crime rate of 39.77 per 1,000 persons, West Hollywood is very much unsafe. The crime rate among all the communities living here is high. West Hollywood has a greater amount of crime rate (93%) than most of the communities in California. Hence, having private guards in West Hollywood will… Continue reading Secure your shopping center with the help of private guards in West Hollywood